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Bronco Little League

Bronco Little League


Pre-game schedules

Home Team Responsibilities - (3rd base dugout)

Set-up: drag/rake field, chalk base lines, place bases and police field for any objects that could cause injury.

Pregame: Batting cage 90 minutes prior to start of game.  Batting cage session lasts for 40 minutes.
example:  game starts at 10:00 am batting cage from 8:30 AM - 9:10 AM.

Field 50 minutes prior to start of game.  Session lasts 30 minutes.  This will vary on weekend games with multiple games being played.

Visiting Team Responsibilities - (1st base dugout)

Pregame: Field 90 minutes prior to start of game.  Session last for 30 minutes.  This will vary on weekends with multiple games being played.

Batting cage 50 minutes prior to start of game.  Session lasts 40 minutes.

Post-game: Drag field and put away bases.  Make sure all buildings are locked up.


1. The Snack Shack
: Each team will have responsibility for the snack shack throughout the season. The schedule will come out with the master schedule so everyone will have plenty of notice as to when their team is responsible. The snack shack MUST be open during those assigned times. If the manager of the team cannot find someone to work the shack, then they must staff it themselves.

The best advice I can give is this: Assign a parent to schedule the parents to work in the snack shack, and let parents know this is coming as soon as possible. Plan to have at a minimum of 2 people in the shack during each shift. On Weeknight games, plan on being there around 5 to have it ready to open by 5:30. The snack shack is a very important part of our league. One, it provides revenue to the league which helps holds all your costs down and two, people like to be able to eat while at the games. Please make this a priority for the season.

2. The fields: Prior to each game the fields need to be raked, bases placed and baselines and batters boxes lined. Remove the tarps from the field and take them off the field of play. On the minor field the best place to place them is behind the first base dugout. After each game, put away bases, rake the base paths (please rake them down the base paths and not across them, this helps prevent a lip from forming along the edges.), and drag the infield. Place the tarps back on the pitchers mound and home plate. MAKE SURE THE TARPS ARE NOT TOUCHING ANY OF THE GRASS, THEY WILL KILL THE GRASS EXTREMELY QUICK. AS the season goes on, use your best judgement as to whether or not to cover the mound and plate. If it has been dry and small showers are expected, leaving them off is not a bad thing. If a full day of rain is expected, or it has been wet lately, make sure they're covered. If there are any field related issues, please contact the Field Manager.

Thank you for your attention to these important matters, they will help make the season a great one!!


Bronco Little League
Bronco Little League, PO Box 401
Hampden, Maine 04444

Email: [email protected]

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